Let all that you do be done in love

“All You Need Is Love.” Definitely a favorite song of mine! While The Beatles came up with a timeless tune, they certainly did not invent the love-is-sufficient concept.

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In Matthew 22 Jesus clearly articulates the first and second greatest commandments:

Love the Lord your God

Love your neighbor as yourself.

I love how He follows up the teaching. “All the law and the prophets hang on these two commandments.” (v. 40). Wait a minute. All we need is love to follow the commands? That is the clear teaching.

Wow! That really cuts the quantity of rules I need to follow every day and that I need to make my kids follow. If we’re loving each other, we’re seeking the best for each other, being patient with each other, using kind words with each other, serving each other, and a million other wonderful things.

I don’t really have to say, “Don’t pester your brother.” Pestering is not love. “Don’t selfishly grab the biggest piece of cake for yourself.” Selfishness is not love.

This is a big idea! A big, big idea! How exactly are we implementing it?

While reading my Bible a few weeks ago, 1 Corinthians 16:14 leapt off the page. “Let all that you do be done in love.”

A message that powerful deserves some prominence. I sprang up immediately and wrote it at the top of our chalkboard door in the kitchen. We’ve made it our theme verse for the last few weeks.

It’s my self-check. Is what I’m saying said in love? Is this body language in love?

It’s my kids’ self-check, too. Am I treating my sibling with love?

Of course, children need guidance on the specifics of how to love. We have to diligently teach them ways to be patient, ways to be kind, ways to serve. But this quick self-check is making loving much easier.

What about you? How are you ensuring each word and action in your home is spoken and done in love? Please share in the comments.

Blog parties I participate in:  Mom 2 Mom, Mama  MomentsManic Mondays,Life of Faith,  Raising Homemakers, Titus 2sdaysMissional Women,  Wise Woman, Tell It To Me Tuesdays, Works for me Wednesdays, Coffee and Conversation, Hearts for HomeMom’s Library, The Mommy Club, and Grace and Truth

About Forever Joyful

I am a devoted wife, mother of three great kids and, most importantly, a follower of Jesus Christ. I love long summer days, photography and stealing quiet moments for writing.
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2 Responses to Let all that you do be done in love

  1. This is so important! Making everything with love {to each other}. Treating others the same way we like to be treated. It’s commandment! God waits for obedience in our part. Great and inspiring post. Thanks for visiting my blog too! Blessings,

    Tayrina from


  2. Pat Fenner says:

    Thanks so much for linking up at Coffee & Conversation!. Loved your post – such an important reminder…not only for parents, either! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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